Simulator Software for More Efficient Combined Cycle Power Plant Training

combined cycle power plant training

SimGenics is a specialist in the development of simulations for training operators and engineers, particularly in the field of electricity generation. To date, we have already produced more than seventy-five full- and partial-scope simulators for this and other industries while also developing the necessary manuals and providing access to skilled instructors where required. In addition to offering trainees access to forty hours of simulated combined cycle power plant training, we can also provide clients with the necessary software to develop in-house simulations of their own.

So, why should you consider abandoning conventional forms of training and adopting a simulated learning programme instead? In practice, there are several good reasons to consider making the change.

Hands-on Experience

Firstly, the industry has been facing a severe shortage of experienced personnel in recent years, including those who would have usually been responsible for conducting the internal training. Also, attempting to provide inexperienced recruits with practical combined cycle power plant training in a busy working environment has several drawbacks, including the ongoing possibility that operational activities frequently need to take precedence over learners’ needs. While the theoretical aspects of power generation can be adequately covered in a classroom, there is no adequate substitute for hands-on experience when learning the day-to-day practical tasks of a typical plant operator.

A Realistic Working Environment

Furthermore, it is neither safe nor particularly effective to attempt to teach trainees how to deal with a possible emergency in the live workplace. By contrast, when utilising a simulated environment to conduct combined cycle power plant training, the experience can be almost indistinguishable from the real thing. The depth of detail provided by a simulation tends to determine the impact of the learning experience and its resemblance to the live environment. However, even relatively simple programs assembled from two-dimensional generic objects have repeatedly proved far more effective than the conventional on-the-job approach. Nevertheless, for a more true-to-life experience, the more advanced software packages can utilise three-dimensional objects or data from a laser scan to recreate every detail of a given working environment.

Features for Trainers

However, conducting combined cycle power plant training involves much more than providing relevant instruction and practical exercises. Trainers also need to measure and record the progress of each learner under their care. Just as one can utilise spot tests for this purpose in the classroom, the software enables trainers to include relevant questionnaires in a simulation and evaluate the learners’ answers. Other valuable features include the freedom to provide prompts for learners who may appear uncertain of their next move and to measure the time taken to complete specific tasks to gauge a learner’s progress.

Training Large Numbers

The data obtained during simulated combined cycle power plant training can then be automatically analysed by the software to generate printed progress reports if desired. While these features are impressive, one of the greatest strengths of a computerised learning system is the freedom to deliver it via an internal network. The need for additional energy has never been greater, and in many parts of the world, this has been further intensified by the regrettable events in Ukraine. The industry’s need for more trained personnel will necessitate intensive recruiting and the means to simultaneously train large numbers of new staff.

A Cost-effective Solution

Combined cycle power plant training using a networked simulation offers a safe, effective and rapid means to enable a single experienced operator to familiarise multiple learners with all the practical aspects of plant management. Given the option to purchase the software and develop partial- or full-scope simulations in-house, this is also a highly cost-effective solution. The package may be utilised repeatedly. For example, one might create options such as an orientation programme for new staff with a simulated, explanatory walk-through of the plant. Simulations can be as basic or advanced as required depending on the various software packages chosen.

Training Simulator Packages Offered by SimGenics

SimGenics offers a choice of three packages with which to create a combined cycle power plant training simulator. The first is SimuPACT, a powerful, integrated development platform that enables engineers to create full-scope simulations more rapidly than ever before. When combined with 3D PACT, developers can utilise a range of additional tools, such as the user-friendly procedure and scenario builder with configurable tutorial and test modes. Adding the Virtual Instructor package will eliminate the need for a live instructor while providing performance measurements.

We invite you to get in touch with us for more details on how our software packages could transform your combined cycle power plant training.

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