thermal power plant training simulator



Connect any existing Engineering or Operator Training Simulator to the 3D PACT Field Simulator for unparalleled crew training.

particle effect builder

Create photorealistic effects to immerse a trainee in a a training scenario, especially in XR.

dynamic physics

Dynamic physics ensures that during actions and events on the Field simulator, all equipment will respond in a lifelike, realistic way.

character system

3D PACT’s character system enables the user to select an avatar, equip PPE, visualize damage during accident conditions and also visualize the avatar performing numerous operations on the plant.


Add realistic sound effects to fully immerse a trainee in the Training scenario.

3d object builder

Add 3D objects and props into the scene to facilitate training scenarios.

crane builder

For more information relating to Crane Builder, please send an email to [email protected] or phone +1 (970) 639-2498.

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