unit processing simulating

Boiler Operation

Two unit processes for the boiler, level 1 and 2. Level 1 has a simplified representation of the air and milling plant, providing easy control of the coal/oil/air flow into the boiler. The Level 2 model includes the full scope of the air and milling plant, providing a full boiler plant model to teach and observe detail phenomena in the boiler. The system allows the trainee to develop boiler skills such as.

Training Simulator
  • Drum level dependencies and management.
  • Steam pressure dependencies and management.
  • Steam temperature dependencies and management.
  • Metal temperature dependencies and management.
  • Power generation dependencies and management.
Training Simulator

Rankine Cycle

A unit process to demonstrate the Rankine Thermodynamic cycle. This unit process confronts the trainee with a small-scale power station. The steam-water loop is closed resulting in a Rankine cycle. It teaches the trainee the basic principles and dependencies of the primary components and systems in the power plant, as well as teaches the trainee the fundamental control considerations of the power plant.

Training Simulator

Boiler Control

A unit process for boiler control. This model is to be used to familiarize the trainee with the most important high level unit control loops, as well as boiler and load control philosophies applied to most modern and older power plants. The trainee can switch selected loops to automatic, or explore their functionality by switching them to manual and assuming control.

Training Simulator

Mill and Burner Operation

A unit process for the mill and burner. This system demonstrates the effects of PA flow, coal flow, oil/coal quality (including coal carbon content), coal moisture and secondary air flow on: The pressure drop over the mill; the outlet temperature; the flame temperature and the oxygen levels in the flue gas.

operator training simulator

Draught Group Operation

A draught group unit process can be used to teach the trainee the combined effect of FD fan inlet temperature, FD fan vane position, ID fan vane position and secondary air (windbox) damper position on the following.

  • Secondary air duct pressure.
  • Air and gas flow.
  • Furnace pressure.
  • Flame temperature.
  • Oxygen levels.
  • Air/fuel ratio.
Training Simulator

Condenser Operation

A unit process to address issues associated with condenser operation.

  • The effect of condenser pressure on the generated power.
  • Partial air pressure, its causes and effects.
  • Cooling water temperature.
  • The effect of steam flow on the condenser pressure.
  • Condenser level control.
operator training simulator

Tank and Turbine-Driven Pump

A tank & pump unit process that can be used to teach the trainee the following basics.

  • The influence of pressure and valve position on the flow in a pipe.
  • The effect of flows in and out of a tank on the level of the tank.
  • The effect of increasing and decreasing pump speed.
  • The effect of throttling a pump.
  • The effect of tank level on pump inlet pressure.

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