SimGenics: A Company Dedicated to the Future of Industrial Training
Like all reputable companies, SimGenics has a vision. We aspire to gain the world’s trust and respect as a leading designer of industrial training simulators. However, a vision is merely words unless backed by appropriate actions. Accordingly, we endeavour to make action the cornerstone of our mission.
We are not alone in our field. Many companies have discovered and capitalised on the benefits of using simulated scenarios as a safe, cost-effective and efficient option for the practical training of operators and engineers. However, we do not hesitate to claim that the developers at our company have contributed more to this innovative learning technology than most.
Since the company’s launch, we have developed more than 75 partial and full-scope simulations for training in diverse fields ranging from nuclear and fossil fuel-based power plants to the petrochemical industry, desalination, mineral exploitation and shipping.
SimGenics: A Synonym for Quality
While such numbers might seem impressive, we remain aware that quantity can never be an adequate substitute for quality. To this end, we include a user manual with detailed step-by-step instructions for each of our products. In addition, we provide an experienced instructor for on-site assistance if a client needs more support.
The combined result is the highest quality and most comprehensive simulated training products currently available worldwide and a long list of highly-satisfied clients from the power industry and other sectors. The latter includes many well-known brands, including Siemens, Leica, MidAmerican Energy, Intergraph and, on the home front, the South African national service provider Eskom.
SimGenics: Staffing Solutions
As the demand for power by households and industry continues to increase yearly, it is becoming increasingly difficult for generating companies to keep pace. Staffing in this industry is proving to be one of the main obstacles. Many of the most experienced operators have been and continue to be lost as they reach retirement age. In some cases, increased operating costs have led to staff cutbacks. In each case, our goal is to develop innovative simulated training solutions that will bring new operators up to speed as quickly, cheaply, safely and effectively as possible while also enabling existing operators to hone the essential skills to optimise their performance, thereby helping plant managers to compensate for unavoidable staff shortages.
The Role of SimGenics in Change Management
Most industries are not static entities but are subject to constant transformation as new and more effective technologies emerge. In addition to staffing issues, ageing and outdated equipment and infrastructure are primary reasons for the failure of power plants to cope. One can solve the problem by building new plants, which can take years and cost billions of Rands. Upgrading the systems in an existing facility is far quicker and more economical.
Our policy is to strive to be more than a mere supplier of products, albeit of exceptionally high quality. Instead, we endeavour to partner with our clients in situations like this. By doing so, we can determine everything necessary to prepare their operators for the transition to the new and unfamiliar systems and develop a bespoke solution that will ensure their optimum proficiency.
SimGenics for Choice
Individual needs and budgets in most industries vary. Consequently, one-size-fits-all solutions are seldom effective. We believe our clients should be free to obtain a training solution they can afford and which adequately addresses their specified requirements.
We will develop bespoke solutions for clients with a healthy budget, surveying their plants and performing three-dimensional scans of the premises, its layout, and control systems to create simulations indistinguishable from the live environment.
For those in search of a more economical option, we offer one of two options. They may purchase off-the-shelf partial or full-scope generic simulations. Alternatively, they can use the built-in objects and functions in our user-friendly software to develop and tailor their training simulations in-house. Incidentally, in keeping with our policy of total client support, the software requires no coding experience, but help is always just a phone call away if required.
SimGenics for Energy Companies in a Hurry
Despite the advantages of on-site operator training, sometimes there’s no time to wait. For example, third-party practical instruction might be more expedient when opening a new plant. Our dedicated training centre in Colorado offers 40 hours of simulator training plus classroom fundamentals, training materials and proficiency testing. You can find out more about the course here. Alternatively, you can contact us to learn more about our products.